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    1. Por Género Literario
    In book two of the bestselling Chronicles of the Overworld trilogy, Nihal and Sennar forge ahead on their quest Nihal joins the most prestigious chivalric order of the Overworld: the Dragon Knights. Sent to complete her training, she finds herself up against a determined and valiant gnome, an Oarf named Ido. The encounter shakes Nihal’s certainties; suddenly, she realizes that there are those who fight for higher ideals than mere revenge. At the same time, she is forced to face her shadowy past and solve the mystery of a stone that seems to have tremendous power.
    Meanwhile, Sennar is promoted to the Council of Sorcerers, which leads the resistance against the Tyrant in the lands that are still free. Sennar is sent to the Underworld, a watery realm about which very little is known, to request military aid. It is an almost hopeless mission. Together, Nihal and Sennar must try their hardest to emerge victorious.

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